Health Education in Mental health

As we all know, health education is defined as a process of series of learning experiences through which an individual is informed or develop skills and self awareness for intellectual health action or behaviour.

We can as well say that Health education is the act of giving simple, accurate and scientific facts in a way they are to be understood, believed accepted and practiced.

It can also be defined in two ways:

1. A process of transferring knowledge attitude and skills that will bring about positive change towards healthy living.

2. A process of obtaining information which encourages a change in attitude and behaviour towards healthy living.

What Is Effective Health Education

It is therefore a planned health and medical action or program that is provided for people with the sole aim of causing a change in behaviour.

It can be adequate by creating awareness on the factors, prevalence and routes of infection, causes and prevention of diseases and other health conditions. In addition, it also helps people to know where and when the health care services are provided.

The sole aimĀ  is to lead to a change in behaviour in favour of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

Aims and Objectives of Health Education

The main aim of health education is to change people’s behaviour and help people adopt positive health attitude towards healthy living.

The sole objectives is to:

  1. Inform the community and individuals about the nature of ill health, ways of spreading diseases, possible treatment and prevention of those diseases, thereby breaking barriers to ignorance and superstition which could hinder health progress.
  2. portray health as an integral part of living and a desirable status for every member of the community
  3. Develop the abilities and capabilities of the the people t promote their own health, making health a valued commodity effort,
  4. Help individuals become competent in carrying out those activities they must undertake for themselves, as individuals or in small groups to realize fully the states of health.
  5. motivate and change people’s beliefs, behaviour customs and attitudes related to unhealthy living.
  6. accurately inform people about their bodily and mental functions as well as how to guard and preserve them.
  7. promote the development and proper use of available health services.
  8. reduce wastage of family resources.


4 Major Setting For Health Educating In Mental Health

  • School setting
  • community setting
  • health facility setting
  • worksite setting

Qualities of An Effective Health Educator

  • Knowledge
  • patience
  • cheerfulness
  • ability to choose the right topic for the target group chosen
  • the ability to consider the language, beliefs custom and traditional setting
  • the ability to evaluate

Principles of Health Education

bellow are the basic principles of health education;

  • Respect For Culture and tradition
  • Clarity in preparation and presentation
  • simplicity of health information instruction and skills.
  • understanding the topic
  • reliability of the sources of health information
  • acceptability of the sources of health information
  • acceptance and adaptability of health information, instruction and skills.
  • effective communication.

Variety Of Health Education

1. Personal Variety

this comes in form of an interview or counseling on a one on one basis or in a group discussion. It involves a health practitioner in direct face to face contact with the individual or group of persons.

2. Impersonal Variety

This is through the use of mas media such as TV, radio. Here there is no direct contact with the client at all.

3. Combined Variety

This involves when personal and impersonal varieties are combined. It often results in effective communication during health education.

We hope this information was helpful. Feel free to ask your questions in the comment section below.