Definition and Understanding of Neurasthenia

Neurasthenia is defined as a psychological disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory and generalized aches and pain.

Causes of Neurasthenia

1 . personality

over dependent individuals who lack self confidence, feel completely inadequate in the face of perceived frustration are likely to come up with this disease condition. They also posses other personality trait like impatience, anger arrogance, pride and much more

2. Psycho-social factors

This include factors like:

  • prolonged frustration, hopelessness and stress
  • unconscious factors such as feeling of rejection, low self esteem, a sense of worthlessness and repressed anger
  • high stress occupation
  • energy depletion from sustained emotional conflict, excessive use of narcotics.

3. physical causes

they include;

  • infective fevers
  • viral infection
  • mononucleosis

Clinical Manifestation

This disease condition can manifest in ways such as;

  • overwhelming weakness, fatigue and exhaustion
  • depression, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness and fainting
  • inability to make decision
  • headache, arthralgia, irritability
  • patient does everything with great effort

General Management

The management of this condition can be multifaced or individualized.
Multiface approach implies care from different discipline, while individualized approach is concerned with considering the age, symptoms, life style and past medical history.

This patients are best managed as out patients. They can be managed by

1. counseling and Cognitive-behavioural therapy

the patient should be made to gain insight and have an understanding of what the problem is, learn more coping skill to be able to deal with the disorder and achieve self confidence.

2. Physical Care

  • balanced diet is given to enhance nutritional status of the patient
  • efforts should be made to ensure that patient have enough rest and sleep

3. Chemotherapy

the following medications are used’

  • antidepressants
  • anti-anxiety drugs
  • non-steriodal anti inflammatory drugs
  • short acting barbiturates

4. Recreational Therapy

medically recommended exercise programmes are commenced but they should not lead to fatigue.

How To Prevent Neurasthenia

  • Flee from what excites the Central Nervous System
  • Alternate work with pleasant rest
  • work moderately
  • try to see the best in all human beings.

We hope this information was helpful, feel free to ask your questions in the comment section below.