All You Need To Know About A Mentally Healthy Individual

A mentally healthy individual is one who is sound in both reasoning and understanding.

Mental health as we all know is described as a level of psychological well-being or an absence of mental disorder.
It may include an individual’s ability to enjoy life and create a balance between life activities and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.

Mental health can be defined as an expression of emotions and as signifying a successful adaptation to a range of demands.

Characteristics of Mentally Healthy Individual

  • contented with what the individual has at particular time
  • the person accepts responsibilities
  • has a feeling of joy and expresses it
  • sleeps well
  • eats well
  • dresses well
  • gives and accepts love/gifts
  • shows emotional maturity
  • lives in world of reality and not fantasy
  • interacts well with others
  • cope with stress of daily living
  • Has an appropriate perception of reality
  • Has the ability to accept oneself, others and human nature
  • Has the ability to manifest spontaneously
  • the ability for focusing concentration on problem solving
  • A need for detachment and desire for privacy
  • independence, autonomy
  • an intensity of emotional reaction
  • a frequency of peak experiences that validates the worth whileness, richness and beauty of life.
  • an identification with human kind.
  • the ability to achieve satisfactory interpersonal relationships
  • a democratic character structure and strong sense ethics
  • creativity
  • a degree of non conformance.

Indicators That Reflect A Mentally Healthy Individual

1. Positive Attitude Toward Self

This has to do with an objective view about self, knowledge and acceptance of one’s strength and limitation.

2. Growth Development and Ability to Achieve Self actualization

This involves successful achievement of tasks associated with each level of development and advancing to one’s highest potentials.

3. Integration

Maintaining an equilibrium or balance among various life processes. It involves adaptively responding to the environment and maintain anxiety at a manageable level in response to stressful situation.

4. Autonomy

This refers to the individual’s ability to perform in an independent, self directed manner. He/she makes choices and accepts responsibility for the outcomes.

5. Perception of Reality

This has to do with accuracy and adequacy without distortion. It includes capacity for empathy and social sensitivity, a respect and concern for the wants and needs of others.

6. Environmental Mastery

individuals are expected to achieve a satisfactory role within the group, society, or environment and be able to love and accept the love of others. When faced with life situations, the individual is able to strategize, make decisions, change and adapt.

How To Maintain a Good Mental Health

According to World Health Organization (WHO) the following criteria are used in the maintenance of mental heath;

  1. have a tolerable and easy going attitude towards yourself and others
  2. have a realistic estimate of your own abilities
  3. confront life’s disappointment without losing hope
  4. be tolerant and consider the interest of others
  5. accept your responsibilities and do something about your problems as they arise
  6. discuss your problems with your family members or health professionals
  7. put your best effort into what you do and get satisfaction out of doing it
  8. keep away from abuse of alcohol tobacco, drugs and risky lifestyles

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