Prevention of mental illness has to do with focusing on the risk to health.
It involves the use of preventive strategies to aid in the occurrence of mental illness in an individual.
Levels of Prevention Of Mental Illness
- primary prevention
- Secondary prevention
- Tertiary Prevention
Primary Prevention
these are those measures that are aimed at reducing the incidence or occurrence of mental disorder. Some of these measures include:
- Educating targeted groups that are at high risk. Such groups at risk may include; unemployed, homeless, orphans, widows, the age. This education is aimed at helping them cope effectively with stress.
- Provision of vaccinations against certain disease that may impinge on mental status of persons such as meningitis Advocacy or enforcement of certain protective measures such as wearing of helmet in work sites, while o motor bikes, putting on seat belt while in vehicles. All these are done to prevent head injuries in case of any accident.
- Advocating for regular medical check-ups and screening to detect impending abnormality in advance, such as high blood cholesterol level which may lead to hypertension and eventually to stroke.
- Enhancement of positive and harmonious interpersonal relationship in the family, work and community.
- Good and adequate nutritional intake to enhance brain development
- Advocacy on practices that promotes mental health engagements.
Secondary Prevention
These are services or measures that are aimed at reducing the prevalence r duration of psychiatric illness by shortening the cause of illness.
It is accomplished by the following measures;
- early detection of the signs and symptoms of the ailment
- accurate diagnosis of the ailment
- prompt and appropriate treatment of the ailment
- establishment of measures to ensure compliance to treatment
- prompt referral of cases to the appropriate service centre if the need arises.
Tertiary Prevention
These are services aimed at reducing the residual defects that are associated with severe or chronic mental illness.
It is directed towards restoring the patient to a possible level of normal functioning or living that is within the limitation of the situation that has been acquired by the mental illness.
It can be achieved through the following measures;
- rehabilitation which involves the assessment of residual disabilities and remaining capacities, involvement of multi-disciplinary support groups, family and after care service personnel for skill provision.
- Palliative care which involves the alleviation of evident signs and symptoms or complaints of client.
- Monitoring and treatment of complications.
- Improvement of care through education of care givers as well as teaching patients on how to care for some of their needs.
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