Understanding Stress and Adaptation

Understanding Stress and Adaptation

In this article, we are going to be taking a good look at stress and adaptation and how they apply to our every day life’s. Stress Stress is defined as an individual’s physical, mental or emotional reaction to any changes that requires adjustment or response. One can say it is a non-specific response of the […]

Definition and Understanding of Neurasthenia

Definition and Understanding of Neurasthenia

Neurasthenia is defined as a psychological disorder characterized by chronic fatigue and weakness, loss of memory and generalized aches and pain. Causes of Neurasthenia 1 . personality over dependent individuals who lack self confidence, feel completely inadequate in the face of perceived frustration are likely to come up with this disease condition. They also posses […]

Assessment Of Mental Status of An Individual

Assessment Of Mental Status of An Individual

Assessment of mental status of an individual involves the gathering of correct information about the mental status of a individual. This is essential in the development of appropriate plan of care. It takes from of a description of all the areas of client’s mental functioning. In doing this, a trained interviewer posses certain questions in […]

Misconception and Stigmatization In Psychiatry

Misconception and Stigmatization In Psychiatry

In this article we are going to looking at the common misconceptions and stigmatization in Psychiatry. Stigmatization in Psychiatry Let us take a good look at the definition of stigmatization that occur in psychiatry. This is defined as the process of assigning negative characteristics and identity to a person or group and causing tat person […]

Causes of Mental Illness

Causes of Mental Illness

The causes of mental illness are many, although some causes cannot be definitely proved. In this article, we are going to be looking at the some factors that can cause an individual to be mentally ill. Factors That Causes Mental Illness They are two major factors that lead to the occurrence of mental illness; 1. […]

A Complete Guide On Emotion

A Complete Guide On Emotion

In this article we are going to be talking about the concept of emotion. Emotion is a complex state arising from perception, memory or imagination of situation. It always involves memory and imagination which arises from ideas and thoughts. It affects all areas of the human behaviour, it can result to physical changes, new intellectual […]

Health Education in Mental health

Health Education in Mental health

As we all know, health education is defined as a process of series of learning experiences through which an individual is informed or develop skills and self awareness for intellectual health action or behaviour. We can as well say that Health education is the act of giving simple, accurate and scientific facts in a way […]