Family planning can be defined as health and welfare programme which enables fertile and infertile women to have and space child bearing period according to their health needs.
Types of Family Planning Method
However now that we know the definition of family planning, let us take a good look at the different types of family planning;
- Traditional method.
- Natural method.
- Barrier method.
- Hormonal method.
- Intra-uterine contraceptive devices.
- Surgical method.
- Emergency contraception.
- Abstinence
- Coitus interruptus.
- Coitus reservatus.
- Coitus interfemoris.
In this article we are only going to be explaining one family planning method, you can then search the rest up on the internet.
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Hormonal Contraception Method of Family Planning
Mode of Action:
- Suppressing ovulation.
- Thickening cervical mucous there by preventing sperm penetration.
- Reducing sperm transport along the genital tract.
- Making the endometrium unsuitable for implantation.
Pattern of Administration:
- Orally
- Intramuscularly
- Implant
Pre-conception Consideration:
- Stop combined oral contraceptive two to three months before attempting to conceive because it disrupts vitamin and mineral metabolism.
- There is no evidence of teratogenic effect of progesterone only pill at normal doses.
- Injectable progestogen is not recommended as contraception for women who plan to conceive soon after its use.
- The action of implant is quickly reversible and ovulation can return within 30 days of removal making it suitable for women wishing to space pregnancies.
Post Partum Consideration:
- Combined oral contraceptive is not recommended for use in early months in lactating because it reduces milk production.
- Progestogen only pill is recommended for breastfeeding mothers, because it has either no effect, slightly enhancing effect on the volume of breast milk.
- This should be used after 21 days or 4-6 weeks because it is associated with the incidence of vaginal bleeding.
- Injectable progestogen may be used after six weeks following delivery, because its early post partum use increases the possibility of prolonged heavy bleeding.
- The implant can be inserted day 21 to day 28 delivery but not routinely recommended for women who are breast feeding.
The Role of Family Planning in The Reduction Of Maternal and New Born Morbidity and Mortality
Family planning is a way of thinking and living adopted voluntarily upon the basis of knowledge, attitudes and responsible decisions by individuals and couples in order to promote the health of the family, group and thus contribute effectively to the social development of a country.
To the Mother:
- Allows mother recover from stress and strain of previous pregnancy and labour.
- Provides financial balance which would be used to take care of her.
- Promotes birth preparation and complication readiness.
- Decreases complication of pregnancy, delivery and puerperium.
- Reduction of high parity will decrease associated complication like pre-eclampsia, haemorrhage e.t.c.
- Decrease pregnancy related stress as well as emotional and physical stress.
- Decrease in adolescent pregnancy will result in decreased complication of pregnancy and child birth such as pre-eclampsia, birth defect and difficult child birth.
- Increase in life expectancy.
To The New Born
- Reduces incidence of prematurity and attendants’ complications.
- Decreases incidence of neonatal morbidity and mortality rate.
- Reduces failure to grow.
- Reduces incidence of congenital abnormalities which could lead to neonatal death.
- Improves lactation of the mother there by promoting exclusive breast feeding of the baby.
- Provides financial balance which will be used in taking appropriate care of the new born.
- Encourage birth preparedness and complication readiness.
How To Explain Family Planning To a Mother Who Just Put To Bed
- Greet mother and introduce self.
- Enquire about her general well being and that of the baby.
- take consent from her.
- introduce the topic family planning.
- ensure that she is comfortably sitting or lying down.
- assess her previous knowledge on the topic by asking her what she knows about family planning.
- present the talk by discussing the following points:
- Define family planning as a health and welfare programme which enables fertile and infertile women to have and space child bearing period according to their health needs.
- State different methods of family planning which include; traditional method, natural method, barrier method, hormonal method, intra-uterine devices, surgical method, emergency contraception.
- state the advantages of family planning;
- To allow mother recover from stress and strains of previous pregnancy and labour.
- To allow for adequate lactation of mother.
- To allow parents recover from financial losses incurred during child bearing.
- To allow women further their carrier in education.
- To save life of mother in case of disease or infirmity.
- State the disadvantages of family planning;
- The total number of days the couple can have sexual intercourse is limited especially in natural family planning methods.
- The couple may be dissatisfied because intercourse is not completed in the usual way, such as coitus interruptus, condom use.
- Irregular menses or spotting is common especially in hormonal method.
- Tell her to use lactation amenorrhea method which is the most effective and safe method during puerperium(exclusive breast feeding) or abstinence.
- Tell her about the methods that are contraindicated during lactation e.g oral pill since she is breast feeding.
- inform her where to get family planning services.
- inform her when to start using any of the family planning method.
- Ask her if she has any question and answer them properly.
- Thank her for listening.
We hope this information was helpful. Feel free to ask your questions in the comment section below..