Diseases That Affects The Elderly

In this article, we will be talking about various diseases that affects the elderly.

Aging process makes an elderly person prone to certain diseases. Most of these diseases can be avoid, while some can not.

Types Of Diseases That Affect The Elderly

Below are most of the diseases that affects the elderly;

1. Disease of Integumentary System

(A) Purities

This is a generalized itching due to drying and flaking of the skin. It can be due to xerosis or chronic renal failure and diabetes mellitus.

Nursing Care

  • the nurse should perform skin inspection and also identify conditions that may cause drying, itching or allergic response.
  • The frequency of bathing should be reduced using mild and no detergent soap.
  • The skin should be rinsed carefully in tepid warm water.
  • The use of sponge should be avoided.
  • The skin should be thoroughly dried by patting rather than shearing the surface.
  • An emollient lotion skin should be provided with adequate protein, vitamin c and vitamin A
  • At least 1.5 to 2 litres of water should be provided daily except if it is contraindicated.

(B) Decubites Ulcer

This isĀ  a localized cellular necrosis due to prolonged pressure over a bony prominence that deprives the are of blood supply. It is common in the elderly due to reduced activities and immobility.

Nursing Care

  • Perform an assessment of the skin to identify elderly that are at risk for ulcer formation and institute preventive measures.
  • Assist with personal hygiene
  • Observe and remove any source of moisture in contact with the skin.
  • Turn the client every 1 to 2 hours and asses condition of skin over bony prominence.
  • Monitor fluid and nutritional intake.
  • Reduce pressure to any bony prominence when indicated by use of toe plants for bed linens, air or water mattress, e.t.c


Read Also: Medical Emergency For Elderly Persons

2. Disease of Musculoskeletal System

(A) osteoporosis

Osteoporosis results from imbalance in the activities of osteoblast and osteoclast. It affects both trabecular and cortical bones of the articulating bones of the hip. It can e caused by;

  • Decrease of estrogen level
  • Imbalance in sex and adrenal hormone
  • Life style behaviour
  • Long life low calcium intake
  • High caffeine intake
  • Excessive alcohol intake
  • Smoking
  • Excessive exercise
  • Decreased vitamin D utilization.

Nursing Care

  • Provide complete musculoskeletal assess to identify risk factors.
  • Encourage correct positive and initiate an individualized exercise program suitable to functional and mobility stages e,g swimming, walking, e.t.c
  • Initiate muscle strengthening program in collaboration with a physician and physical therapist including lifting small weigh.
  • Initiate nutritional programs that will help the elderly reach ideal body weight.

(B) Degenerative Joint Disease

Degenerative joint disease also known as osteoarthritis is a noninflammatory disorder of the movable joints most frequently the weight carrying joints such as knees, hips and limber spine.

Itt is characterized by deterioration of articular cartilage with formation of new bone of the joint surfaces.

Nursing Care

  • Relieve pain using drugs.
  • Apply moisture heat massage over the joint and muscle
  • Joint can be rested using assistive devices like care or crutch walk that is placed on the affected side and advance with unaffected side
  • There should be reduction in caloric intake to control weight and prevent obesity.

(C) Rheumatoid Arthritis

This is a chronic systemic progressive disease affecting women more often than men.

It is characterized by decreased joint mobility, pains and deformity. In the early stages symptoms include pain and stiffness of involved joint which may be relieved by rest. It may occur at any age but common among the elderly.

3. Cardiovascular System

  • Hypertension
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Cerebrovascular accident.

4. Respiratory System

  • Pneumonia
  • Cancer of the lungs.

5. Gastrointestinal System

  • Abdominal pain
  • Cancer of the GIT

6. Genitourinary System

  • Acute and chronic renal failure
  • Incontinence

7. Endocrine System

  • Diabetes mellitus.

8 Neurological System

  • Dementia
  • Parkinson disease


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