How To Identify Types of Breech Presentation

Before we take a look on breech presentation types, let us see how we can understand what breech presentation is all about.

Breech presentation is the mispositioning of an unborn baby in the womb of the mother.

Breech Presentation Types

However, now that we understand what breech presentation is all about, let us take a good look  at the types of breech presentation.

There are four major types of breech presentation, they include the following;

1. Complete Breech or Flexed Breech

This breech presentation type has an attitude of complete flexion

  • The thighs of the fetus are flexed onto the abdomen with the legs flexed onto the thighs.
  • The knees ang hip joint are flexed and the feet lie alongside the buttocks.

2. Incomplete Breech or Frank Breech

This breech presentation type is known as the actual breech

  • Here the legs of the fetus are extended.
  • The thighs are flexed on the abdomen but the legs are extended  at the knee so that the feet come to lie in the fundus.

3. Footling Breech

In this breech presentation type one or both feet presents, this is because neither thighs or legs are fully flexed.

  • The feet are lower than the buttocks which distinguishes it from complete breech.
  • The fetus may adopt varieties of positions from sitting to standing.

4. Knee Presentation

In this breech presentation type, one or both thighs are extended, and the legs are well flexed.


Read Also: Diagnosing Breech Presentation

Causes of Breech Presentation

Let us take a good look at some few causes of breech presentation that can lead to breech presentation types.

 Maternal Causes

  • Congenital abnormalities of the uterus;g bicornuate uterus which limits the space available for the fetus to assume normal presentation.
  • Polyhydramnios; allowing the fetus to float easily in the uterine cavity due to excessive amniotic fluid.
  • Any space occupying mass in the pelvis; e.g placenta previa, fibroid e.t.c that will prevent the head from entering the brim.
  • Contracted pelvis; this may be too small to allow the head to engage, yet big enough to allow brecch.
  • Pendulous abdomen; because of lax abdominal muscle, the line of the uterus falls forward therefore the head lies outside the pelvic brim.

Fetal Causes

  • Prematurity; the fetus can easily turn to breech at any time before 34 weeks gestation.
  • Fetal abnormalities; such as hydrocephaly because the head is too large to be accommodated in the lower pole of the uterus.
  • Intrauterine fetal death; dead fetus lack muscle tone and can take any presentation.
  • Multiple pregnancy; this limits the space available for each fetus to turn, therefore one or even both may present as breech.

Nursing Diagnosis of a Patient with Breech Presentation

Below are some nursing diagnosis of a mother with breech presentation.

  • Acute pain related to uterine contraction evidenced by her verbalization of pain.
  • Anxiety related to unknown outcome of labour evidenced by tense facial expression.
  • Activity Intolerance related to labour pain evidenced by her reluctant to move.
  • Fatigue related to prolonged labour associated with breech delivery evidenced by her verbalization of weakness.
  • Knowledge deficit related to process of labour evidenced by her numerous questions.
  • Risk for infection related to manipulations in breech delivery.
  • Risk for injury related to manipulation in breech delivery.
  • Risk for bleeding related to perineal laceration.


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